
Donation Page

Fundraising Canvas

Donor Welcome Series

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Doare strengthens philanthropic organizations through fundraising solutions.

We connect people with relevant causes to donate with security.

We amplify relationships between donors and social organizations to increase engagement.

Who do you want to help today?

Luisa Mell Institute

Know more about the projects supported by Doare

Instituto Luisa Mell believes that all animals deserve to have life quality and, therefore, acts with the rescue of animals in situations of risk, promoting recovery and encouraging adoption.






We will work hard so that rescued animals can restart to believe and love people.

You are part of our story. Your donation brings us closer to fulfilling our goal!

More possibilities open to our cause and a gift of love that enables proper treatment for the animals.

We invest in what is necessary to reverse the critical situation of rescued animals. With this donation, their lives begin to change.

With this money, we can give voice to our cause. In the eyes of the animals, there is an edge of trust and hope.

Improve treatment and conditions for cancer patients


ABRALE – Associação Brasileira de Linfoma e Leucemia - is one of the most é uma das mais relevant and important associations working throughout the country to democratize the treatment and quality of life of people with hematological diseases.



We receive donations of hair, transform them into wigs and donate to children and women diagnosed with diseases that cause hair loss. Know a little more about us!

Founded 15 years ago, with an innovative history of joint action with public managers and organizations in the development and implementation of solutions for the prevention, diagnosis and health care of children and adolescents.

Empowering community leaders

Elos Institute

To realize the world we all dream of, we believe that the way is transform communities. We live the process of community development, as we develop tools and methodologies that drive other projects in communities around the world.






With less than $17 per day, your donation transforms realities and impacts directly on the world we're building.

With less than $12 a day, your donation turns the impossible into possible in a short amount of time.

With less than $6 a day, your donation brings the self-responsibility who lacks for our actions take place.

With less than $3 per day, your donation strengthens the sense of unity and belonging in the communities.

With less than $2 a day, your donation helps young people and adults to unlock their potencial and personal purpose

Gerando Falcões

Our projects are focused on sports, culture and professional qualification, being an engine to improve the family income. We are also a project of inclusion and therefore we are in places that society ignores, reintegrating ex-prisioners in the social life e.g..






Our dream already has shape, color, sound and vibration! With your donation, we build wings to the desires of our hearts!

That's the confirmation that we are the hope. Our reality is different and, to sustain it, we are giving our best!

We took a ladder and finally can see everything what we can be and do in the other side of the wall.

We know that there is another landscape and another life waiting for us, because we are the rulers of our lifes!

We have an insurmountable wall in front of us, but we are being awakened to see what lies beyond.

Online Fundraising for CSOs

Do you want practical fundraising solutions for your organization?

We have a lot of ways to help you: donation platform, personalized donation landing pages, fundraising strategy development, donor welcome series, online courses and certifications.

Get a custom page to get donations on your site

Allow people to donate to your cause

Create or grow a recurring donor base

Get international donations in several currencies

Automate the relationship with your donors

Get donations from companies without active prospecting

Define a strategy with clear goals and strategic positioning

Obtain certifications widely recognized in the Third Sector

"I chose to hire the Doare's donation page because I knew I would have real partners to build a unique, personalized product.
It exceeded my expectations! It was absolutely worth!"

Yohanna Perlman - Luisa Mell Institute

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Strengthening the culture of giving through strategy, design, technology and communication, since 2012.
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